Thursday, November 28, 2019

Patriotism Is an Outdated Notion free essay sample

To say that patriotism is outdated is to imply that the concept of nation is outdated. For me patriotism Is a word, nothing more nothing less, when I feel patriotic I dont call It patriotism, I call It. Being human. It Is perhaps our disguised patriotism that we fight today In the world, and It will be our disguised patriotism that will lead us into world destruction. Again like I said, patriotism Is a word defined differently by dif people.Who define it the better way, I salute you and hats off to you, those who do it the wrong way, well I cant do nothing much about it. Patriotism is not something that should be on display only on the 1 5th of August and the 26th of January or when the country is facing a war. We need to be patriotic In our everyday life. We can be true patriots by becoming good citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Patriotism Is an Outdated Notion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Simple things like keeping your streets clean, following the traffic rules, refusing to bribe or be bribed L these go towards the construction of a better nation. This Is patriotism for me or at least, this Is the patriotism that should be shown by a mature country. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. So in order for us to be free then patriots must exist because without patriots the tree of liberty will dry up, and wither away. Leaving us bare, alone and as slaves.Perhaps the people who said patriotism is an outdated concept, said it while thinking bout a lot of different things, that you and I do not see when we read such stuff. In one sense they may be questioning the definition of patriotism as thought by many patriots. Be the change that you want to see in (India) the World. MAHATMA GANDHI A mans feet must be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world. George Santayana Let me end by saying, as Lord Byron said- He, who loves not his country, can love nothing.Patriotism Is an Outdated Notion By kissable For me patriotism is a word, nothing more nothing less, when I feel patriotic I dont call it patriotism, I call it. Being human. It is perhaps our disguised patriotism that we fight today in the world, and it will be our disguised patriotism that will lead us into world destruction. Again like I said, patriotism is a word defined differently by We need to be patriotic in our everyday life. We can be true patriots by becoming nation.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Gay Rights Essays - Same-sex Sexuality, Sexual Orientation

Gay Rights Essays - Same-sex Sexuality, Sexual Orientation Gay Rights Homosexuals: Fight for Rights Gay rights is a touchy subject especially in the united states. It is the fight for homosexuals to be treated as everyone else, the fight to be given what they desearve, the fight to live without torment, the fight for peace. This nation has the state of mind that how the ideal person lives, is normal, and anyone not living that way is wrong. The people of this country pick on and torment people because they are different or not like them. Why do thay do thiswho knows. John Catlin M. D. states that Many indeviduals that bully other people due to sexual origin, usually are battling sexual insecurities themselves (1) In New York there was a poll taken from the people, on the thoughts of gay rights. Many of them were displeased at the fact that homosexuals were discriminated against, and didnt have the same rights as heterosexuals. In November of 1989, Time magazine took a poll on what the people thought about legal benefits that homosexuals should receive. 62% came back saying that hom osexuals should be permitted to receive medical, and life insurance benefits from their life long partner. (101) And yet nothing has come of that yet. Homosexuals deserve equal treatment legally and socially. Throughout the world homosexual people have been discriminated against for all types of different reasons and basically all of them are unjust. Homosexualality is not caused by abuse at a young age, it is not curable, it is not a disease or disorder and it is defiantly NOT learnt. For decades the incidence of homosexuality in the general population has been estimated to be approximately ten percent. Organisations opposed to gay rights have consistently claimed the number to be much lower. Despite the controversy, ten percent still remains the most widely accepted estimate (Issacson, 101) so why do people think of homosexuals as being strange or weird. There are many people around the world who are discriminating against homosexuals without even knowing it. One of these is when someone calls someone else a bad name such as a Pofter or Fagot, not really meaning it but saying it just as a hurtful name just because everyone else says it. This saying is not meant but it degrades every hom osexual in the world every time some uses those words. There is another myth about homosexuals and is that a lot of people think that they are obsessed with sex. Contrary to popular belief, gay men and lesbians are no more inclined to be consumed with sexual thoughts or feelings than heterosexual counterparts, nor are they attracted to everyone of the same sex they meet. (Weinberg, 109) The lives of homosexuals, like the lives of heterosexuals are about much more than sex, but it's easy to see why people believe these common myths that have been expressed by a lot of people. Many people do not even realise that they know someone who is gay because of the amount of gays that are in the community. Unfortunately, these misguided heterosexuals only knowledge of homosexuality comes from the media or anti-gay organisations that are trying to destroy the gay community, neither of which is likely to show the average gay person or couple in real life. The media is in the business of selling news, and radical behaviour of any kind sells, big time. Anti-gay organisations are in the business of making gay people appear as evil as possible. They will obviously focus their attention on the most radical behaviour that can be found within the gay community. Why do gay people flaunt their sexuality? Why don't they just keep it private? Well the majority of gay people don't flaunt their sexuality. As a matter of fact, many go to great lengths to hide their sexual preference. There is a double standard in our society. What some people consider to be flaunting by homosexuals is usually regarded as everyday behaviour for heterosexuals. This is a perfect example : A heterosexual couple walking hand in hand is perceived as normal. Very few would consider their behaviour to be inappropriate or rude, if they even noticed it at all. On the other hand, a lesbian

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Leadership and Influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Leadership and Influence - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that  one method of improving global leadership effectiveness is to restructure the organisation to include more employee empowerment and autonomy in their individual job roles. This process is known as decentralisation where lower-level employees are free to express their opinions and innovations to assist in achieving business success. â€Å"Decentralised companies result in empowerment, provide more procedural fairness to employees and provide faster decision-making†.This study stresses that under Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions, there are collectivists and individualists who have radically different values. Collectivists value group loyalty and generally view themselves and the organisation as a family-oriented environment. Human resources leadership in the global environment must recognise this fact when dealing with workers from this type of cultural background and develop group focus and group rewards to fit these cultura l expectations. In a more individualistic society or when dealing with employees from this type of background, there must be a system in place that recognises individual accomplishment, such as through the annual performance appraisal and allow more room for self-expression in day-to-day business operations. A global leader cannot be effective without recognising these social and cultural norms and identify diversity initiatives to assist in building more competent staff. Also under Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions is an element of culture known as uncertainty avoidance, or the level to which an individual or group is willing to accept risk and the unknown. â€Å"People in uncertainty accepting cultures are more tolerant of conflicting opinions and try to have fewer rules† (Donnison, 2008, p.17). In opposite accord, people hailing from cultures with a more risk-averse mentality avoid unstructured decision-making and generally demand contingency plans before accepting risk. A global leadership regime must recognise these differences and develop an organisational structure to fit these attitudes and build human resources-backed policies to assist in promoting or accepting these varying values. A business culture with a high